February Garden Craft Session

This is mainly a placeholder to remind me to get moving on updating this blog!  I’ve been exhausted lately so just haven’t kept up-to-date.  I have many photos, and have even uploaded some of them to Flickr, but I have a lot of catching up to do!

At our February mentoring session we planted some more seeds, a couple varieties of carrots, more of the heirloom beetroot mix, more lettuce in the wine barrels, corriander, parsley, dill, and spring onions.  We also planted some spring onion seedlings.  The spring onion seed and seedlings we divided between Big Blue and the Berry Patch because I’m intersted in how the different soils affect the plants; we’ve already seen a big difference between the leeks in Big Blue and in the Berry Patch.

The potatoes in Little Red are ready for harvesting. There were some too close to the surface that got a bit green, but there are still MANY below the surface!


10 of 12: Christina Hard At Work While Lottie Watches

Christina Hard At Work While Lottie Watches

Good Example of How Potatoes Grow

Good Example of How Potatoes Grow (and how green they get close exposed to sun!)

Tomato: Purple Cherokee

Tomato: Purple Cherokee

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