Category Archives: Establishment

Changing of the Guard

The amount of time elapsed on normal calendars between when Christina 1st came to look at our garden and discuss what FiMBY could help us with (12 June) and the day a lot of Lottie’s Lot was planted out (11 September) was … Continue reading

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Arch Righting and Trellis CONstruction!

I seem to write lots of posts about destruction, but here’s a great one about construction! Yesterday Danny and his helper were at my place building a trellis for the chinese gooseberries.  (Scott prefers not to call them kiwis – … Continue reading

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More Creative Destruction

You’d think from reading this blog I enjoy destroying things!  OK – well – maybe I do.  But it’s for a good cause.  And it’s so we can create something new. This instalment of ‘destroying part of the house to create something … Continue reading

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One Month From Planting Out

It’s been a month since the Saturday we sowed seeds and planted things out with Christina.  I must say it’s hard to believe it’s only been one month when I look at everything that’s happened in the garden.  I was … Continue reading

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The Queen of Artichokes?

I’ll probably regret saying this ‘out loud’, but today I’m feeling like the queen of artichokes.  FiMBY gave us 6 artichokes on Saturday to transplant.  It was hot this weekend, so I just watered them and kept them in partial … Continue reading

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Clearing Out

Ever since we started grubbing out the shrubs and tree to expand the area for the new veggie patch (see Creative Destruction and Destruction Completed) we’ve had a growing pile of rubbish.  We seemed to keep finding ways to add … Continue reading

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Birth of a Berry Patch

Our berry patch is centred under an old swing set. Scott took off all the swings, and we’ll use the frame as a basis for attaching netting when the berries are in fruit. We formed the patch with sleepers (2.4m … Continue reading

Posted in Establishment, New Plantings | 1 Comment

The Great Mulching Weekend

This weekend was supposed to be The Great Mulching Weekend in Lottie’s Lot.  And we did get a lot of mulching done. Saturday started out with Scott mowing the lawn while I ran errands such as picking up a wheelbarrow from … Continue reading

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Plantings in the Mediterranean Zone

Last night after work we finally got our wine barrels planted out.  My husband divided a bag of organic compost and a bag of alpaca poo between the 4 barrels.  I went through the alpaca poo to pull out bits … Continue reading

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Plan B in Action: Planting Out

Such an exciting day!  Today so much happened in the garden.  First Christina drilled holes in the bottoms of the wine barrels.  They were certainly solidly built as it took longer than expected.  The sawdust smelt great (a bit too … Continue reading

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